Most Recent Recipes
Sauce Tomat
Often assumed to be part of Italian cooking’s long history, the Tomato Sauce didn’t appear until the 16th century when Spain brought it back from South America. There in cooking it was often used in Moles and Salsa and for the first hundred or so years, the European countries used it similarly. Then Escoffier decided to thicken the sauce with a roux, creating something closer to what we’re accustomed to today.
Espagnole Sauce
What happens when Spanish chefs are cooking for the wedding of the year, but find your brown sauce too boring? Enter the Espagnole Sauce
Velouté Sauce
What sauce is so creamy, its name means “velvet” in French? Let’s learn about the Velouté sauce.
Béchamel Sauce
Making the Béchamel sauce takes only a few steps, but it’s all about timing and technique. This ingredient sauce is one of the 5 French mother sauces (though it might actually originate from Italy)
Let’s learn about it!